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An announcement about COVID-19 from Josh & Dr. Brent

An announcement about COVID-19 from Josh & Dr. Brent

Hi Neighbors,
We know that Beekman 1802 Neighbors are some of the kindest and most caring people in the world. And we know that challenges to our collective health and wellbeing resonate very deeply amongst us neighbors. We’ve heard it from you on social media and emails, and we wanted to take a moment to reach out to you directly. This is not a marketing email. There is nothing for sale in this email. This is simply us reaching out to you, our longtime friends.
One of the problems that can arise during times like these is excessive anxiety stemming from confusion and misinformation. Covid-19 is clearly a serious reason for concern for everyone, but panic and stress can adversely affect our immune systems and other day-to-day activities.
First, we want to let you know that we've been doing everything we can to keep our team safe. We've been ahead of state and local recommendations when it comes to having employees work from home, keeping offices and warehouses sanitized, and practicing social distancing for workers who are not able to work from home. Also, we've extended our sick and emergency leave to accommodate any worker who is sick, caring for someone who is sick, or just needs the extra time. 
Because of the extra cautious practices, we're utilizing in our warehouses, it means that packages may be delayed due to a limited amount of team members. But we believe this is the best way to keep our team safe and sound.

We know that many of you trust Beekman for friendly, concise and trustworthy information. Handwashing and personal hygiene is one of the major tools we all have to help mitigate the spread of this virus. We’ve compiled a few resources that we found helpful, and that Dr. Brent trusts given his medical background. We hope you’ll find them helpful too.
A good article on how soap works to kill bacteria and viruses:
A good resource with several articles about navigating corona in your day-to-day life:

The CDC is the foremost trusted source for all medical information. We follow all their protocols for ourselves and the Beekman 1802 Team:
Many Beekman Neighbors want to be helpful in this crisis as they are in other natural crises. We created @TimeToWashHands on Twitter to send out regular reminders to your smartphone every two hours. Please follow and ask those you love to follow. Helping remind others to wash their hands is the most helpful thing you can do: 

Brent and Josh have been hosting live chats on their Facebook page as a safe space to chat about information, news, tips, and simply reduce anxiety by coming together as a caring neighborhood. Please join us there. 
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